Herd Immunity: The strength of collective strength

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The idea that the coronavirus will die off this summer is absurd. Conventional (public health) wisdom says the best strategy is: Isolation now, vaccination (1yr.+ out) later. The end game of this thinking is that "Vaccinations" are the world's only viable cure (7.5 billion vaccinations)? Flu shots have been fed to the masses for decades and can be effective. Interestingly, our three daughters are 18, 21, & 23 and have never received a single flu shot. My wife and I are middle-age and haven't had a flu shot since our childhood. Our vaccination is our lifestylization. Time will tell if I have to eat my words here… but my prediction is healthy living wins. #AppliedScience says the most powerful way to strengthen one's immune system is to eat well, move well, think well, love well, work well, etc. Doing that lifestyle with vim and vigor conditions a certain fitness level... with a particular set of skills. Those skills (aka physiological durability) are always there for the taking.

More powerful than any flu shot is the vim and vigor derived from #durablehealth which is conditioned through healthy lifestyle over time. Perhaps the Spring of 2020 is an opportunity to activate a Global Thrive campaign rooted in making healthy lifestyle cool, hip and the way we roll.

Health as become an adaptive trait, and acquired doing, and a functional skillset for modern life. It has a curriculum and it must be taught to the next generation on par with reading, writing, and arithmetic! Jeff Olson, RLT

Here my thoughts on activating a new generation of #durablehealth and #herdimmunity. We (in Denver) never got to execute on this idea… but it remains an idea worth spreading.

Some insights that will give you some food for thought:

If I've any blind spots in my logic here, I welcome the enlightenment.

Health Agents